I Need Patience

Hebrews 10: 36, NLT: “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised”

To my single sisters, I can’t give you advice on what to expect in a marriage – I’ve never been married. But I can tell you (because God told me) that you will need patience. God has been repeating this to me quite a bit these days. And because I want His promises in my life – and not just in marriage – I’m doing my best to listen.

I do want to say that patience is not tolerance. Patience sees and hopes for the best (GOD’S best) while doing what’s necessary to get there. Tolerance turns a blind eye to ungodly behavior to “keep the peace” or “get one’s way”.

Today I wondered what would have happened if Joseph hadn’t patiently endured his hard times. To me, it’s obvious that he didn’t tolerate ungodly behavior even in his position. He refused to sleep with Potiphar’s wife and instead asked one of the men who used his dream interpretation to put in a good word for him upon his release. I think if Joseph hadn’t hung in there, he would have missed the training that was necessary for him to go to his ultimate destination – which was overseer of Egypt. Joseph’s story made me realize that the sooner I can be patient in all things and grow content where I am, the more joyful my walk as a single will be. I’ll also pick up on all the lessons God is trying to teach me in preparation for not just marriage but the next phase of my life.

God kept whispering “Beloved, you have need of patience. I WANT you to do my will and receive my promises”. I realized today that He watched me struggle through His testing for patience, wanting me to pull through so He can do something new in my life. It softened my heart so much before Him to realize that He hovers over me, waiting for me to “get it”. I pray that He’s rejoicing now because I finally got it! I need patience and I am open to His correction and testing.

What about you? Do you need patient endurance? If so you’re in good company! As you grow in your single’s walk with God He will give you what you need. He is so patient and can teach you to be patient too. Don’t give up and keep pressing into Him!

Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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