Mr. Right Will Find You

The Wedding Is Coming…Whether You’re Ready or NOT!

Matthew 25:1, NLT: ““Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids[a] who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom”.

And if you don’t know the rest of the story, 5 of the bridesmaids made it into the wedding feast and 5 did not.

Today in church as the presiding pastor prayed over our dismissal, he said “The Wedding is COMING”! My body did that Holy Spirit response we do when someone speaks a Word that is timely and relevant – where this knowing comes in your spirit. What’s relevant and real is that God is coming back for us…and it’s in our best interest to be READY for Him to take us.

Now, you could also think about this in terms of actually getting married. Some of us marry and some never do. I’m convinced…CONVINCED that it has more to do with us and not so much with God. I don’t believe in the “gift of singleness”. I believe we make a decision to stay single in order to serve God MORE. Or we give up because we don’t believe we can marry God’s way today. So we stop preparing. We stop hoping. We stop believing that a wedding will come for us.

Don’t give up hope that God is coming back for you or that your time will come. If you’re at the end of your rope in your singles walk, join me for a night of encouragement and sharing. You can also contact me for prayer requests or if you have questions. But whatever you do, don’t give up hope that God can DO IT FOR YOU!


A Different Spirit

Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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