5 Things People Do When They Value Themselves

I’ve learned a lot about taking care of and valuing myself in the past almost year. You see, I’m someone who – like lots of people – had to learn later in life how to take care of myself. While that left me with many years of not taking care of myself and seeing the results of that, since I have been taking care of myself I’ve also seen the fruits of positive and effective self-care, and from adopting self-worth and self-value. In that process, I’ve identified 10 characteristics of people who value themselves. Here they are:

1. Get Enough Sleep: Not getting enough sleep is like not putting gas in a car and then expecting it to run. And you can fall asleep behind the wheel. Then what? You could lose your life. People who value themselves recognize this and do what’s necessary to get enough sleep.

2. Create and Honor Healthy Boundaries:  There are people in this world who take. And take. And like parasites, they take until you have nothing left to give and then move on to the next “host”. Or they may not have malicious intent, they just don’t know how to accept and respect that your tolerance level is different from theirs. The best way to keep this from happening is to create and honor healthy boundaries for yourself. Boundaries are guidelines and rules that keep you and others safe in human relationship and interaction. Period.

3. Have No Tolerance for Disrespect: Definition of disrespect – speech or behavior which shows that you do not think someone or something is valuable, important, etc. : lack of respect. If you value yourself, you just don’t put up with others who don’t value you.

4. Do Not Knowingly Allow Others to Take Advantage: Similar to #2, you don’t allow people to give you the short end of the stick in any arrangement, deal or relationship when they do it intentionally to gain a one-sided benefit. 

5. Have an Effective and Consistent Self-Care Regime: This includes, working out, eating well, proper hygiene, rest and recreation. One of the things that I am personally working on is developing a consistent workout routine and taking consistent care of my physical bodyHere’s something I’ve noticed. Many people talk about how they don’t have the energy to work out. But working out gives you energy and life! You just have to “dig deep”, shake yourself up and get moving.

Having a hard time doing the things on this list consistently? Let’s Talk!

And check out my 30 DAYS TO A NEW YOU breakthrough audio series (FREE to you):

Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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