GIFTS FOR YOU: Divine Connections Pt 2

It’s now Day 4 of the “14 Days of Christmas For Singles” Giveaway at Author of Faith Enterprises and I hope you’ve been claiming your gifts!

The gifts today are about the people who allow us to see ourselves as God does. There are people you meet in life who – just by being who they are – let you know more about where you are…

 Mrs. Candra Evans of Love and Grace Media was one of those people I had the pleasure of “meeting” and interviewing on my podcast. Her testimony of how God took her from a woman who was so unhappy as a single to now happily married to a pastor and is a woman who is active in her community outside of just work….it was amazing and allowed me to see that God was moving me from a place of discontentment to contentment as a single.

In her words, when it comes to meeting Mr. Right, “Godliness plus contentment equals great gain. Come into agreement with God”. Hear more of her godly wisdom in the podcast interview below:

(I was in DJIBOUTI, AFRICA so PLEASE don’t let the static deter you from hearing Candra’s testimony!)

If you liked this interview, go to and FOLLOW the podcast for updates on future shows.

The next woman who was a mirror was Molesey Crawford of  the Queen Code. A former beauty pageant queen who now helps women discover their inner queen, Molesey teaches some very important life truths about knowing who we are at the core.

In her words, when it comes to meeting Mr. Right, “TAKE. THE. JOURNEY!” Hear more of her insights in the podcast interview below:


Popular Self Help Internet Radio with Author of Faith on BlogTalkRadio


And don’t AVOID holiday parties just because you’re still single and dread answering the question “Why are you still single”.

Get this e-booklet and have 7 answers that are guaranteed to turn the tables in your favor!


(To get automatic updates of the rest of the gift giveaways, sign up in the blog subscription box to the right of this post)

Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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