If You’re Still Single…Make This Your Best Valentine’s Day

On the other side of struggling through singleness on Valentine’s Day is great peace about where you are…

I actually enjoyed seeing the expressions of love that people showed each other today. I enjoyed it in my own life because my family and friends and I exchanged our Valentine’s Day wishes.

But I understand the pain and frustration that Valentine’s Day can bring when you’re frustrated over being single. I understand the pain of wondering why it’s so easy for some women to get date after date when you’re baffled about why it seems like it’s so difficult for you to just meet men.

In fact, one young lady e-mailed me telling me about how painful it was to watch women with no standards meet men and go out on frequent dates while it seemed almost impossible for her to even meet men.

She – like many single Christian women – was frustrated and upset about this. And rightfully so. When you don’t understand why things work out the way they do or how to change your life to get what you desire (and your desire is in line with the Word of God), frustration and anger are a common response.

But on this Valentine’s Day, I want you to choose a different path by doing these things: 1) take note of of the love you DO have in your life and reach out to those people and express your love to them 2) Pray about God’s will for your life concerning love and relationships 3) Join us for the next Let’s Talk Community Call as we talk about addressing lifestyle issues that keep single Christian women from dating for marriage, and enjoying their lives.


Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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