It’s Time to Be Unapologetically You

My 2014 is dedicated to being Unapologetically Me! And if you want to be “Unapologetically You”, subscribe to these blog articles.

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This time last year, I felt God saying that in 2013 it was time to dream again. And boy, did I dream.  Not only did I dream but I did the work of rediscovering those dreams I’d tucked away. I did the work  of living my dreams. And I did the work of finding my voice.

Now, I know that some goals or calls in life span more than just 1 year. But I love the idea of calling things what they are (or at least what you believe in your heart they are) for the year ahead. And God “called” me and said “Beloved, this is the year to be
‘Unapologetically You’”.

Romans 12:6 “…let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t”
The Message

It’s time, my dear sisters – especially my single sisters – to be ourselves, unapologetically. It’s time to not  only embrace the desire of finding and marrying our Mr. Right, but to support goals and strategies that will  allow us to do that AND live a full life.

And it IS possible to live God’s way! If what I’m saying resonates with you, I’ll be offering the “Unapologetically  You” Series, designed to help you move closer to and achieve your goal of meeting your Mr. Right and living a full, fun and God-centered life.
To get details about the series, sign up below for the “Single and Preparing” e-newsletter. They will be provided in January, and in the meantime you’ll still get the benefits of being on my exclusive e-newsletter list: free gifts and you’ll be the first to hear of updates from Author of Faith Enterprises.
Until the next time, stay encouraged and don’t give up on your journey to meeting YOUR Mr. Right!


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Afi Ruel

Afi Ruel

Afi is a US Navy veteran, blogger and author. Her mission is to help you overcome your life, relationship and professional challenges.
Afi Ruel

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